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Strengthening Our investment Escalation Message from Key highlights our stewardship Our progress Our purpose approach and Our approach and exercising Our aspirations for 17 Pension Protection Fund Responsible Investment Report 2022/23 our Chair of the year commitment at a glance and governance incorporating ESG to engagement shareholder rights the coming year Appendices OUR PURPOSE AND GOVERNANCE CONTINUED Sustainability Community To support our Sustainability Goal ‘Ensuring e昀昀ective Taking action stakeholder engagement with integrity and respect’, we established a Sustainability Community networking We are currently in the process of integrating our hub on the PPF intranet in 2022. Open to all the PPF’s recently-published Sustainability Strategy into our employees, the Hub aims to inspire and educate on the senior managers’ Statements of Responsibilities. values and importance of sustainability both at the PPF An update will be provided on this process in next and within the broader community. The PPF’s employees year’s Responsible Investment Report and our are encouraged to share their ideas and suggestions to published SM&CR report. minimise their impact on the environment. Employees can post their thoughts on various signi昀椀cant days – such as World Environment Day and Earth Day – and Implementing the SM&CR regime share tips on making positive environmental change (for example, using reusable co昀昀ee cups, sharing The FCA’s Senior Managers and Certi昀椀cation Regime experience of installing solar panels or buying an (SM&CR) is the system that regulated 昀椀nancial organisations electric vehicle). use to de昀椀ne their managerial responsibilities and encourage sta昀昀 at all levels to take personal responsibility for their actions. We publish and implement our own version of the SM&CR to hold ourselves to a high standard Sustainability is about our across everything we do (as detailed on page 8, our ICARE values set the foundation for how our sta昀昀 behave and impact – on society, our adhere to the conduct rules). communities and the We 昀椀rst published our version of the SM&CR in 2019. environment. Together, we It’s since become an integral part of our organisation and how we conduct ourselves. For example, it has helped can make a real di昀昀erence to highlight exactly who and what senior managers are accountable to and for. As a result, it is easy to 昀椀nd that to people’s lives. information and work e昀昀ectively on processes across the organisation. One area covered is ESG. Our CIO has overall responsibility for ensuring the implementation of our ESG strategy (with stewardship a key priority of this) within our investments. SM&CR, and our adoption of it, has helped to clarify and enhance personal accountability and responsibility for ESG and underlined the importance of a clear and e昀昀ective governance structure for this area.

2022/23 | Responsible Investment Report - Page 18 2022/23 | Responsible Investment Report Page 17 Page 19